Instaloader (Main Class)

class instaloader.Instaloader(sleep: bool = True, quiet: bool = False, user_agent: str | None = None, dirname_pattern: str | None = None, filename_pattern: str | None = None, download_pictures=True, download_videos: bool = True, download_video_thumbnails: bool = True, download_geotags: bool = False, download_comments: bool = False, save_metadata: bool = True, compress_json: bool = True, post_metadata_txt_pattern: str | None = None, storyitem_metadata_txt_pattern: str | None = None, max_connection_attempts: int = 3, request_timeout: float = 300.0, rate_controller: Callable[[InstaloaderContext], RateController] | None = None, resume_prefix: str | None = 'iterator', check_resume_bbd: bool = True, slide: str | None = None, fatal_status_codes: List[int] | None = None, iphone_support: bool = True, title_pattern: str | None = None, sanitize_paths: bool = False)

Instaloader Class.


The associated InstaloaderContext with low-level communication functions and logging.


Yield an anonymous, otherwise equally-configured copy of an Instaloader instance; Then copy its error log.

check_profile_id(profile_name: str, latest_stamps: LatestStamps | None = None) Profile

Consult locally stored ID of profile with given name, check whether ID matches and whether name has changed and return current name of the profile, and store ID of profile.

  • profile_name – Profile name

  • latest_stamps – Database of downloaded data. If present, IDs are retrieved from it, otherwise from the target directory


Instance of current profile

Changed in version 4.8: Add latest_stamps parameter.


Close associated session objects and repeat error log.

download_feed_posts(max_count: int | None = None, fast_update: bool = False, post_filter: Callable[[Post], bool] | None = None) None

Download pictures from the user’s feed.

Example to download up to the 20 pics the user last liked:

loader = Instaloader()
loader.download_feed_posts(max_count=20, fast_update=True,
                           post_filter=lambda post: post.viewer_has_liked)
  • max_count – Maximum count of pictures to download

  • fast_update – If true, abort when first already-downloaded picture is encountered

  • post_filter – function(post), which returns True if given picture should be downloaded


LoginRequiredException – If called without being logged in.

download_hashtag(hashtag: Hashtag | str, max_count: int | None = None, post_filter: Callable[[Post], bool] | None = None, fast_update: bool = False, profile_pic: bool = True, posts: bool = True) None

Download pictures of one hashtag.

To download the last 30 pictures with hashtag #cat, do:

loader = Instaloader()
loader.download_hashtag('cat', max_count=30)
  • hashtag – Hashtag to download, as instance of Hashtag, or string without leading ‘#’

  • max_count – Maximum count of pictures to download

  • post_filter – function(post), which returns True if given picture should be downloaded

  • fast_update – If true, abort when first already-downloaded picture is encountered

  • profile_pic – not --no-profile-pic.

  • posts – not --no-posts.

Changed in version 4.4: Add parameters profile_pic and posts.

download_hashtag_profilepic(hashtag: Hashtag) None

Downloads and saves the profile picture of a Hashtag.

Added in version 4.4.

download_highlight_cover(highlight: Highlight, target: str | Path) None

Downloads and saves Highlight cover picture.

Added in version 4.3.

download_highlights(user: int | Profile, fast_update: bool = False, filename_target: str | None = None, storyitem_filter: Callable[[StoryItem], bool] | None = None) None

Download available highlights from a user whose ID is given. To use this, one needs to be logged in.

Added in version 4.1.

Changed in version 4.3: Also downloads and saves the Highlight’s cover pictures.

  • user – ID or Profile of the user whose highlights should get downloaded.

  • fast_update – If true, abort when first already-downloaded picture is encountered

  • filename_target – Replacement for {target} in dirname_pattern and filename_pattern or None if profile name and the highlights’ titles should be used instead

  • storyitem_filter – function(storyitem), which returns True if given StoryItem should be downloaded


LoginRequiredException – If called without being logged in.

download_igtv(profile: Profile, fast_update: bool = False, post_filter: Callable[[Post], bool] | None = None, latest_stamps: LatestStamps | None = None) None

Download IGTV videos of a profile.

Added in version 4.3.

Changed in version 4.8: Add latest_stamps parameter.

download_location(location: str, max_count: int | None = None, post_filter: Callable[[Post], bool] | None = None, fast_update: bool = False) None

Download pictures of one location.

To download the last 30 pictures with location 362629379, do:

loader = Instaloader()
loader.download_location(362629379, max_count=30)
  • location – Location to download, as Instagram numerical ID

  • max_count – Maximum count of pictures to download

  • post_filter – function(post), which returns True if given picture should be downloaded

  • fast_update – If true, abort when first already-downloaded picture is encountered


LoginRequiredException – If called without being logged in.

Added in version 4.2.

Changed in version 4.2.9: Require being logged in (as required by Instagram)

download_pic(filename: str, url: str, mtime: datetime, filename_suffix: str | None = None, _attempt: int = 1) bool

Downloads and saves picture with given url under given directory with given timestamp. Returns true, if file was actually downloaded, i.e. updated.

download_post(post: Post, target: str | Path) bool

Download everything associated with one instagram post node, i.e. picture, caption and video.

  • post – Post to download.

  • target – Target name, i.e. profile name, #hashtag, :feed; for filename.


True if something was downloaded, False otherwise, i.e. file was already there

download_profile(profile_name: str | Profile, profile_pic: bool = True, profile_pic_only: bool = False, fast_update: bool = False, download_stories: bool = False, download_stories_only: bool = False, download_tagged: bool = False, download_tagged_only: bool = False, post_filter: Callable[[Post], bool] | None = None, storyitem_filter: Callable[[StoryItem], bool] | None = None) None

Download one profile

Deprecated since version 4.1: Use Instaloader.download_profiles().

download_profilepic(profile: Profile) None

Downloads and saves profile pic.

download_profilepic_if_new(profile: Profile, latest_stamps: LatestStamps | None) None

Downloads and saves profile pic if it has not been downloaded before.


latest_stamps – Database with the last downloaded data. If not present, the profile pic is downloaded unless it already exists

Added in version 4.8.

download_profiles(profiles: Set[Profile], profile_pic: bool = True, posts: bool = True, tagged: bool = False, igtv: bool = False, highlights: bool = False, stories: bool = False, fast_update: bool = False, post_filter: Callable[[Post], bool] | None = None, storyitem_filter: Callable[[Post], bool] | None = None, raise_errors: bool = False, latest_stamps: LatestStamps | None = None, max_count: int | None = None)

High-level method to download set of profiles.


Added in version 4.1.

Changed in version 4.3: Add igtv parameter.

Changed in version 4.8: Add latest_stamps parameter.

Changed in version 4.13: Add max_count parameter.

download_saved_posts(max_count: int | None = None, fast_update: bool = False, post_filter: Callable[[Post], bool] | None = None) None

Download user’s saved pictures.

  • max_count – Maximum count of pictures to download

  • fast_update – If true, abort when first already-downloaded picture is encountered

  • post_filter – function(post), which returns True if given picture should be downloaded


LoginRequiredException – If called without being logged in.

download_stories(userids: List[int | Profile] | None = None, fast_update: bool = False, filename_target: str | None = ':stories', storyitem_filter: Callable[[StoryItem], bool] | None = None, latest_stamps: LatestStamps | None = None) None

Download available stories from user followees or all stories of users whose ID are given. Does not mark stories as seen. To use this, one needs to be logged in

  • userids – List of user IDs or Profiles to be processed in terms of downloading their stories

  • fast_update – If true, abort when first already-downloaded picture is encountered

  • filename_target – Replacement for {target} in dirname_pattern and filename_pattern or None if profile name should be used instead

  • storyitem_filter – function(storyitem), which returns True if given StoryItem should be downloaded

  • latest_stamps – Database with the last times each user was scraped


LoginRequiredException – If called without being logged in.

Changed in version 4.8: Add latest_stamps parameter.

download_storyitem(item: StoryItem, target: str | Path) bool

Download one user story.

  • item – Story item, as in story[‘items’] for story in get_stories()

  • target – Replacement for {target} in dirname_pattern and filename_pattern


True if something was downloaded, False otherwise, i.e. file was already there

download_tagged(profile: Profile, fast_update: bool = False, target: str | None = None, post_filter: Callable[[Post], bool] | None = None, latest_stamps: LatestStamps | None = None) None

Download all posts where a profile is tagged.

Added in version 4.1.

Changed in version 4.8: Add latest_stamps parameter.

download_title_pic(url: str, target: str | Path, name_suffix: str, owner_profile: Profile | None, _attempt: int = 1) None

Downloads and saves a picture that does not have an association with a Post or StoryItem, such as a Profile picture or a Highlight cover picture. Modification time is taken from the HTTP response headers.

Added in version 4.3.

format_filename(item: Post | StoryItem | PostSidecarNode | TitlePic, target: str | Path | None = None)

Format filename of a Post or StoryItem according to filename-pattern parameter.

Added in version 4.1.

format_filename_within_target_path(target: str | Path, owner_profile: Profile | None, identifier: str, name_suffix: str, extension: str)

Returns a filename within the target path.

Added in version 4.5.

get_explore_posts() NodeIterator[Post]

Get Posts which are worthy of exploring suggested by Instagram.


Iterator over Posts of the user’s suggested posts.

Return type:



LoginRequiredException – If called without being logged in.

get_feed_posts() Iterator[Post]

Get Posts of the user’s feed.


Iterator over Posts of the user’s feed.


LoginRequiredException – If called without being logged in.

get_hashtag_posts(hashtag: str) Iterator[Post]

Get Posts associated with a #hashtag.

Deprecated since version 4.4: Use Hashtag.get_posts_resumable().

get_highlights(user: int | Profile) Iterator[Highlight]

Get all highlights from a user. To use this, one needs to be logged in.

Added in version 4.1.


user – ID or Profile of the user whose highlights should get fetched.


LoginRequiredException – If called without being logged in.

get_location_posts(location: str) Iterator[Post]

Get Posts which are listed by Instagram for a given Location.


Iterator over Posts of a location’s posts


LoginRequiredException – If called without being logged in.

Added in version 4.2.

Changed in version 4.2.9: Require being logged in (as required by Instagram)

get_stories(userids: List[int] | None = None) Iterator[Story]

Get available stories from followees or all stories of users whose ID are given. Does not mark stories as seen. To use this, one needs to be logged in


userids – List of user IDs to be processed in terms of downloading their stories, or None.


LoginRequiredException – If called without being logged in.

property has_stored_errors: bool

Returns whether any error has been reported and stored to be repeated at program termination.

interactive_login(username: str) None

Logs in and internally stores session, asking user for password interactively.


Changed in version 4.12: Raises InvalidArgumentException instead of LoginRequiredException when in quiet mode. Raises LoginException instead of InvalidArgumentException when the username does not exist.

load_profile_id(profile_name: str) int | None

Load ID of profile from profile directory.

Added in version 4.8.

load_session(username: str, session_data: dict) None

Internally stores requests.Session object from dict.

Added in version 4.10.

load_session_from_file(username: str, filename: str | None = None) None

Internally stores requests.Session object loaded from file.

If filename is None, the file with the default session path is loaded.


FileNotFoundError – If the file does not exist.

login(user: str, passwd: str) None

Log in to instagram with given username and password and internally store session object.


Changed in version 4.12: Raises LoginException instead of ConnectionException when an error happens. Raises LoginException instead of InvalidArgumentException when the username does not exist.

posts_download_loop(posts: Iterator[Post], target: str | Path, fast_update: bool = False, post_filter: Callable[[Post], bool] | None = None, max_count: int | None = None, total_count: int | None = None, owner_profile: Profile | None = None, takewhile: Callable[[Post], bool] | None = None, possibly_pinned: int = 0) None

Download the Posts returned by given Post Iterator.

Added in version 4.4.

Changed in version 4.5: Transparently resume an aborted operation if posts is a NodeIterator.

Changed in version 4.8: Add takewhile parameter.

Changed in version 4.10.3: Add possibly_pinned parameter.

  • posts – Post Iterator to loop through.

  • target – Target name.

  • fast_update--fast-update.

  • post_filter--post-filter.

  • max_count – Maximum count of Posts to download (--count).

  • total_count – Total number of posts returned by given iterator.

  • owner_profile – Associated profile, if any.

  • takewhile – Expression evaluated for each post. Once it returns false, downloading stops.

  • possibly_pinned – Number of posts that might be pinned. These posts do not cause download to stop even if they’ve already been downloaded.

save_caption(filename: str, mtime: datetime, caption: str) None

Updates picture caption / Post metadata info

save_location(filename: str, location: PostLocation, mtime: datetime) None

Save post location name and Google Maps link.

save_metadata_json(filename: str, structure: Post | Profile | StoryItem | Hashtag | FrozenNodeIterator) None

Saves metadata JSON file of a structure.

save_profile_id(profile: Profile)

Store ID of profile on profile directory.

Added in version 4.0.6.

save_session() dict

Saves internally stored requests.Session object to dict.


LoginRequiredException – If called without being logged in.

Added in version 4.10.

save_session_to_file(filename: str | None = None) None

Saves internally stored requests.Session object.


filename – Filename, or None to use default filename.


LoginRequiredException – If called without being logged in.

test_login() str | None

Returns the Instagram username to which given requests.Session object belongs, or None.

two_factor_login(two_factor_code) None

Second step of login if 2FA is enabled. Not meant to be used directly, use Instaloader.two_factor_login().


Added in version 4.2.

update_comments(filename: str, post: Post) None

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Instagram Structures